This has served me well at times and at other times has caused me harm.
Today I am as angry as I ever remember being. Thank goodness it's not the type of anger that makes me feel weak and shaky.
The anger I feel today is the type that strengthens my backbone and causes me to reach deep for the resolve I will need to navigate this rocky terrain we're heading into.
I am a Canadian. I pursue peace, apologize too much and care about the inhabitants on this planet.
It grieves me to witness what is happening in the United States. And I won't sit by quietly while people are being harmed by a narcissistic tyrant and his flying monkeys.
What Trump and his cronies are doing is an affront to Humanity. And my heart breaks to think of how many Souls will be harmed because of his policies.
But I will not crumble.
I will resist.
And I will channel my anger into helping those who will, most definitely, need help.