The Luminaries are a group of Light Beings I work with. They oversee and aid those who work with the Higher Realm Healing® energies. From time to time I receive messages from them to relay to Higher Realm Healing® practitioners and to Humanity. The messages that are for Humanity will be recorded here.
March 17th, 2020: “Panic not. The panic some humans are displaying is as infectious as any virus. These are not the end times. The virus you refer to as Covid 19 is a part of the overall balancing of your Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Humanity will prevail.”
March 9, 2019: “Seek not to be the author of another’s misfortune. Live your life as an example of the best Humanity has to offer and allow others to live their life as they see fit. Only intercede when innocents are being harmed.” The Luminaries
October 5, 2018: "Despair not. We feel your pain and know why your tears are flowing. Your tears are a release of decades of fear, shame and injustice. There is a cleansing taking place in the realm of form. The Divine Feminine in each individual is rising up to be acknowledged and heard. Take heart. Your experiences are being heard and are creating a groundswell that will sweep away the abuse and misuse of power that has reigned for far too long."
June 28th, 2018: “Despair not. During these chaotic times it may seem as though darkness is prevailing but it is not. All that needs to be revealed and Healed is coming to Light so it can be transmuted and transformed. It is now time to shine your own Light brightly so others will be aware of its brilliance and will know it is time to shine their Light, as well. When this happens the darkness will recede.” The Luminaries
December 7th, 2017: “Rejoice! Much that was done in darkness and secrecy is coming to light in order to be Healed and released. Stand firmly in your own Light so you may serve as a beacon for those who require your support during these temporarily chaotic times.” The Luminaries
October 3, 2017: “Stand firmly in the Light. Lower energies will attempt to sway you and pull you into fear and despair. Do not let them prevail. Find your Peace. Find your Balance. Find your Centre which will enable you to choose the best course of action in any circumstance.” The Luminaries
August 9th, 2017: Hold the line. Now, more than ever, it is vital that you, the Wayshowers stand firm in your faith that the Light will prevail. Rhetoric from unbalanced individuals designed to spread global fear will have little effect on those who stand firmly in the Light.
June 29th, 2017: "Take comfort. We understand you are weary of the seemingly constant barrage of negativity afflicting your earthly home. Please know this chaos is temporary and will lead to a greater measure of Harmony when the failing structures of the realm of form have crumbled. Your Light is needed now to illuminate the way and aid in rebuilding more appropriate structures. You, the Light Warriors, will be creating more evenly balanced and higher vibrational systems that will serve the Greatest Good and are in alignment with the Divine Schematic. " The Luminaries
May 23rd, 2017: "Hold fast. Those who work in darkness seek to control you by causing you to fear and retreat into the shadows. You must not allow them to prevail. Now is the time for you to shine your light so brightly that all darkness recedes and only the Light remains." The Luminaries
February 1st, 2017: "Be not dismayed. The systems that are based on fear and are focused on building walls and segregating Humanity will not prevail. The Wayshowers and Lightworkers understand this and are building bridges that link rather than divide."
November 9th, 2016:"Be not afraid. The truly wise focus on the opportunity that lies at the heart of chaos. The breaking down of outdated systems and the crumbling of unstable infrastructures allow for the creation of more refined systems and structures that serve the Greatest Good." The Luminaries
March 17th, 2020: “Panic not. The panic some humans are displaying is as infectious as any virus. These are not the end times. The virus you refer to as Covid 19 is a part of the overall balancing of your Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Humanity will prevail.”
March 9, 2019: “Seek not to be the author of another’s misfortune. Live your life as an example of the best Humanity has to offer and allow others to live their life as they see fit. Only intercede when innocents are being harmed.” The Luminaries
October 5, 2018: "Despair not. We feel your pain and know why your tears are flowing. Your tears are a release of decades of fear, shame and injustice. There is a cleansing taking place in the realm of form. The Divine Feminine in each individual is rising up to be acknowledged and heard. Take heart. Your experiences are being heard and are creating a groundswell that will sweep away the abuse and misuse of power that has reigned for far too long."
June 28th, 2018: “Despair not. During these chaotic times it may seem as though darkness is prevailing but it is not. All that needs to be revealed and Healed is coming to Light so it can be transmuted and transformed. It is now time to shine your own Light brightly so others will be aware of its brilliance and will know it is time to shine their Light, as well. When this happens the darkness will recede.” The Luminaries
December 7th, 2017: “Rejoice! Much that was done in darkness and secrecy is coming to light in order to be Healed and released. Stand firmly in your own Light so you may serve as a beacon for those who require your support during these temporarily chaotic times.” The Luminaries
October 3, 2017: “Stand firmly in the Light. Lower energies will attempt to sway you and pull you into fear and despair. Do not let them prevail. Find your Peace. Find your Balance. Find your Centre which will enable you to choose the best course of action in any circumstance.” The Luminaries
August 9th, 2017: Hold the line. Now, more than ever, it is vital that you, the Wayshowers stand firm in your faith that the Light will prevail. Rhetoric from unbalanced individuals designed to spread global fear will have little effect on those who stand firmly in the Light.
June 29th, 2017: "Take comfort. We understand you are weary of the seemingly constant barrage of negativity afflicting your earthly home. Please know this chaos is temporary and will lead to a greater measure of Harmony when the failing structures of the realm of form have crumbled. Your Light is needed now to illuminate the way and aid in rebuilding more appropriate structures. You, the Light Warriors, will be creating more evenly balanced and higher vibrational systems that will serve the Greatest Good and are in alignment with the Divine Schematic. " The Luminaries
May 23rd, 2017: "Hold fast. Those who work in darkness seek to control you by causing you to fear and retreat into the shadows. You must not allow them to prevail. Now is the time for you to shine your light so brightly that all darkness recedes and only the Light remains." The Luminaries
February 1st, 2017: "Be not dismayed. The systems that are based on fear and are focused on building walls and segregating Humanity will not prevail. The Wayshowers and Lightworkers understand this and are building bridges that link rather than divide."
November 9th, 2016:"Be not afraid. The truly wise focus on the opportunity that lies at the heart of chaos. The breaking down of outdated systems and the crumbling of unstable infrastructures allow for the creation of more refined systems and structures that serve the Greatest Good." The Luminaries