When I am operating at my highest level of 'being' I know and accept that I am linked to everyone and everything. I can see the Light within every individual I encounter. And I understand that each of us is perfectly playing a role in the grander scheme of things. All unfolds as it should. I am 'harmless' to all I encounter.
When I am not operating at my highest level of 'being' I perceive a separation between myself and others. I don't 'see' the Divinity of the Soul I am encountering and I question why things are as they are. I am, at these times, capable of causing harm. I am grateful that this level of 'being' is so uncomfortable for me that I endeavor to leave this state as soon as possible.
When I realize that I am not 'harmless' in a situation I first turn to Prayer. The Prayer I say is simple, but effective. It is, "Let me do no harm through thought, word or deed." And then I follow through with action.
If I've spoken unkindly I apologize. If I've judged someone I put myself in their shoes. If I committed a wrong I do what I can to make it right. And then I anchor the Truth of how important it is to harm none.