Much Love to each and every one of you.
Yesterday was the first Higher Realm Healing workshop. Today I am a bit tired but extremely grateful to those who attended the workshop and who will now serve as the Wayshowers and ambassadors of Higher Realm Healing.
Much Love to each and every one of you.
Today is the day all over the Globe that is set aside to honour Fathers. For some, this is a day of happy memories, family visits and a day filled with love. If you fall into this category you may want to stop reading right now. What follows may dampen your spirits.
If Fathers Day is a day when unpleasant memories surface and you feel alone, alienated or angry... then keep reading. Your spirits may receive a slight lift. To all of you who have been abused, neglected and treated as less than the Divine Soul that you are by the man who's duty it was to protect, guide and love you... I am sorry for what you experienced. If it was within my power all of your pain would be completely dissolved. I can't magically take away your pain but I can offer you this. Please know that whatever happened... it wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done to circumvent how another chose to behave. And please let go of any shame you've been carrying around with you. That shame does not belong to you. If your experiences, or lack thereof, regarding your Father have made you a survivor, then hold your head high. You made it through some of the toughest lessons available to mankind. You have learned about kindness through being treated unkindly. You have learned about compassion through experiencing your own pain. And you have learned about forgiveness by forgiving the unforgivable. So, on this day, I honour you. The Child of the Father who couldn't be who you needed him to be. The other day I had the honour of being touched by an Angel and that encounter has me seeing things from a higher perspective.
The encounter with the Angel began ordinarily enough. I had been out running errands in the midst of another busy day. After picking up some much needed office supplies I got the urge to visit another store. It hadn't been my intention to make another stop but before I knew it I was in the Winners parking lot. I checked my watch, reminded myself that I didn't really have time to spare, then surrendered to the urge and entered the store. I wasn't there for more than a few heartbeats when I found myself encountering a group of special needs women and their caretakers. As I walked by I smiled as I heard the group talk excitedly about the treasures around them. I moved to another aisle where I could still hear them and see a few treasures for myself. As I was looking at some decorative items I felt a presence nearby. I looked to see a young and beautiful Soul from the group watching me. When I smiled at her she came over to me, took my hand in hers, and stood quietly beside me. In the few moments we stood there holding hands, not speaking, I felt an incredible wash of Peace and Love flow through me. Her energy was calm, loving and one of the highest in vibration I've encountered in a Human. I sent her a silent 'thank you' and she smiled at me then went back to her group. I had to blink back tears at the feelings coursing through me. Gone was my tiredness... gone was any physical discomfort from pushing my body past its physical limits...gone was the need to rush through the day trying to get things done as quickly as possible. In their place was Blessed Peace. I slowly walked from the store and sat for a few minutes in my car reliving the experience and feeling immensely grateful for what had transpired. As I drove home I marveled at how effortlessly this Beautiful Soul was able to embody the Peace I have to search for. She knew how to simply Be. From now on, like her, I am going to focus on Being... not just doing. Because I was touched by an Angel who so lovingly showed me how. The word Akash is derived from the Sanskrit word Akasha, meaning sky, space or aether.
The Akash, itself, is the actual etheric substance that contains the information regarding who you have been in other Life Expressions, the knowledge you’ve accumulated from those Past Lives and the potentials of who you may become. Mining the Akash refers to accessing the accumulated knowledge and talents you’ve amassed in other lifetimes to aid you in traversing this lifetime. How do you do it? The first step is getting in touch with your Higher Self. The details of the many lives you have previously lived may not be conscious within your present lifetime but all of the experiences and life expressions you’ve had are known to your Higher Self. Your Higher Self also knows what knowledge from Past Lives will best aid you in this life. How can mining the Akash make your life easier?
Everyone, with a bit of effort and dedication, can access this knowledge. It's a wonderful part of being in this space and time. |
AuthorI am a Higher Realm Healing practitioner and teacher, and QHHT Past Life Regression practitioner. I reside in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Archives
February 2025
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