Over the past couple of weeks I've had several crows fly past the front of my car as I'm driving. Each time this has happened I realized that perhaps BB (my car) and I were going a bit too fast. It happened so frequently that I started to really pay extra attention to how fast I was going. I couldn't imagine how awful I would feel if I hit a crow.
A few days ago I was driving in a congested parking lot when a crow flew in front of me and stopped on the pavement. Luckily, I was going slowly enough to stop before I hit the crow. At that moment a man came rushing from between two large vans and ran across the space where I would have been driving had the crow not stopped me. I realized that, but for the crow, I would have surely hit him.
I have a sense the gentleman had no idea how much danger he had been in. I sent a fervent 'thank you' to the crow who had averted tragedy. The crow flew off and I drove on.....Immensely grateful for the message from a crow.