They are governed by Beings called The Lords of the Akashic Records. These Beings give information to the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones of the individuals who have requested a reading. This information is then given to the Akashic Records reader to be relayed to the individual.
The method I use to open an individual's Records is called the Pathway Prayer process. It is a sacred prayer that grants access to the journey of that particular Soul.
In the prayer I ask to see the individual in the Light of the Akashic Records. If I'm doing a reading for someone I've just met I have to warn them that I may look at them as though I love them. Because when I see them in that Light, I do. In the Light of the Akashic Records everything that Soul has thought or done is appropriate. I get to experience who they are on a Soul level. I see their perfection.
I never know precisely what's going to happen during a reading. There can be laughter or tears... sometimes both. Healing can occur, as well. Sometimes an individual gets some clarity regarding issues that have plagued them for many lifetimes.
Some past lives may pop up, but only if they relate to something that an individual is experiencing in this lifetime. This is always fascinating for me. I see excerpts of these lives so clearly that I can actually smell and feel what's going on.
I am so very grateful that I get to do this kind of work. I am humbled by the journey of each and every Soul I open the Records for. I hope they remember after their reading just how magnificent their entire journey has been. And I hope they take with them the Love that the Beings of the Akashic Records have for them.
Every time I open a Soul's Records my love for Humanity grows. I feel that if we could all see each other in that particular Light we would, indeed, be able to create Heaven on Earth.