As we experience an emotion its frequency may either help Heal or harm our body.
Positive emotions raise the Being to a Higher frequency/vibration and allow for the body’s systems to operate smoothly and be in alignment with a perfectly functioning physical system.
Negative emotions degrade the body’s systems and allow for dis-ease to take root. Our bodies may actually become weaker or stronger depending on our mental state.
Feelings of shame, apathy, grief, fear, anxiety, craving, anger and hate resonate at the lowest vibratory rate.
Feelings of Love, trust, optimism, acceptance, understanding, joy and reverence resonate at the highest vibratory rate.
Injuries or pain often appear on one side of our body. One-sided pain issues may reflect the side that feels confused or unsupported:
- The left side of our physical body responds to stimulus from the environment. It holds the experiences, emotions and memories from the past of the present lifetime as well as from Past Lives.
- The right side of our physical body governs how we interact with the world around us. If there are issues regarding unwanted changes in the environment they will often show up here.
- The front of our physical body reveals the social or public self. It reveals information regarding our openness, acceptance, and overall way of Being. This shows in our face, posture and body language.
- The back of our physical body reflects our private and unconscious way of Being. It’s the storehouse for all the things we don't want to reveal. Negative emotions may easily become stored along the spine and the backs of the legs.