With 24/7 cable news programs offering provocative view points it can be challenging to discern what is true and what is false. We are being inundated with 'experts' who are seeking to sell themselves and their ideas in a manner that can be laughable and, sometimes, dangerous.
Too many unbalanced individuals are using the rhetoric they are exposed to as an excuse to commit heinous acts.
Too often we are offered biased information in an attempt to manipulate and influence what we will support.
So, how do we discern if something is the truth? We do so by knowing what we accept as our truth. Deep within each of us is a value system that allows us to recognize a 'truth'. We resonate in some way to what is truthful for us. And if we keep ourselves balanced and focused on the greatest good we will not be led astray.
In these challenging times it is important to understand our truth and to live it to the best of our ability. When we do this what is not true will fall away and become harmless.