A few nights ago I had a dream that there was something wrong with my vacuum. I'd never had a vacuum dream before so I really paid attention.
I checked out what the metaphysical meaning was regarding seeing a vacuum in your dreams and I was puzzled. The meaning didn't fit what was going on in my life.
So I started exploring my own intuition and came up empty. I then decided to let it go and have things unfold as they will.
Yesterday as I was preparing for the arrival of a client I pulled the vacuum out of the closet and lengthened the hose so I could clean the stairs. As I started cleaning a strange sound came from the hose. And when I checked it out I saw a small tear in it.
Then I remembered the dream and started laughing. I had been so focused on the symbolic message that I overlooked the real message. Apparently, the message from that dream was simply that there was something wrong with the vacuum.
Lesson learned :-)