Life has been busy for us both of late and even the 2 hour ride each way in a vehicle together was a blessing. We allowed no other distractions. No business calls... no work... just the two of us focusing on each other.
By the time we reached our destination I felt renewed and revitalized. Then I got to experience the crystals that were on display. Andrew actually quipped that I'd never looked at him with the same excitement that I looked at the various stones. I assured him that he was far more important than my collection and reminded him that he was responsible for purchasing most of the pieces I treasure. That mollified him, somewhat ;-)
Only those who love crystals will be able to understand the excitement I experienced. I was like a kid in a candy store. I 'oohed' and 'aahed' my way through each booth. I think I may have let out a squeal or two when something caught my eye.
By the time I had seen everything there was to see and made my purchases I'm sure Andrew heard far more about the properties of crystals and where they came from than was necessary. But he took it all in stride and always had a smile on his face when I showed him a new treasure.
When we arrived home I carefully unpacked the crystals and washed them. Next will come the task of figuring out where they're going to reside. This is an important part of the process because one does not simply place a crystal anywhere ;-)
At present they're on a counter in my kitchen. Later today they'll be in their rightful place.
And I'll still feel the glow from a lovely trip.