We sometimes think if we meditate, pray and practise the Law of Attraction enough we will not be plagued by illness or discord.
If only it were that easy.
I believe that we incarnate and choose lessons for the sake of our Soul's growth. Some lessons are pleasant while others are exceedingly painful. The most painful lessons in my life have led to the greatest growth for me Spiritually. And that Spiritual growth has gotten me through many a tough lesson.
I firmly believe that if I did, indeed, create a challenge for myself, then somewhere I've also created the way to get through that challenge. I just have to work to find it. And I know that when I feel a measure of Peace about the situation I am on the right track.
I am at Peace with most situations in my life. Some, I'm still struggling with. There are times that I'm dragged kicking and screaming into enlightenment. The 'kicking and screaming' times have their purpose too, though, if only to provide a cautionary and amusing tale.
I wish you Peace on your Spiritual path. When you feel Peace in your soul you can face anything.