This past Halloween I stumbled upon a wonderful new way of reframing an old issue. The issue was the sounds in my neck. Since an injury several years ago my neck made annoying sounds each time I moved my head. I had tried everything to experience these sounds in a different way but the best I could come up with was the sounds were a reminder of what I was capable of surviving.
As part of a treat bag I had purchased my nephew Jack some pop rocks, candies that crackled and popped when placed in the mouth. Jack took great delight in filling his mouth with the candies, then placing his mouth very close to my ear so I could hear the sounds. There were many giggles as this was going on.
After Jack left I was remarking to my husband, Andrew, that the sound of the pop rocks was very close to the sounds of my neck and it was peculiar that I could take such pleasure from hearing those sounds from Jack when normally they irritated me.
The next morning while doing Qigong I heard the sounds again but this time I smiled because it reminded me of Jack and the pop rocks. Now, every time I hear those sounds I smile because they bring back a pleasant memory.
I am most grateful for this unexpected reframing of a long-standing issue.