At times we have the wisdom to know where we can be of Service and other times we are totally in the dark. If we are fortunate our innate talents and strengths guide us to do the right thing at the right time but other times, unfortunately, we feel as though we are spinning our wheels and getting nowhere with those situations.
When I don't know what to do in any given situation I let go of trying to control the outcome and send Light. When I'm operating at my highest level of Being I have the wisdom to send Light first, then see if there is another way I can be of Service.
Light has it's own intelligence. It knows exactly what to do. Sending Light to someone facing a difficult decision enables them to 'see' more clearly. Sending Light to someone in a very dark place illuminates possible paths they may take to get themselves into a better place.
Light is more powerful than any darkness we, acting out of fear, can create. It is active and life affirming. Light heals, balances and gives strength. It can manifest miracles.
So, if you're struggling with a situation and are not sure what to do... send Light.
Everyone will benefit.