By describing what I smell clients often know who is visiting during their session. Sometimes they get to experience the scent, too. Most fragrances are easily identified. Some, however, are of aromas that I've not experienced in this lifetime so there can be some difficulty in placing them. Frequently, thank God, I'm given a word to go along the scent. This makes things much easier for me and the client.
Most of the scents I experience are pleasant..... some are quite heavenly. I wish that everyone could have a chance to experience what Angels, Saints and Ascended Masters smell like. Those aromas truly are Divine.
Others, however, are decidedly unpleasant. At those times I am grateful that no-one else can smell them and doubly grateful that they don't think the smell is coming from me.
I, myself, don't wear or use scented products. One reason is that I'm extremely sensitive to any chemical fragrances. Another reason is that it would interfere with my work. But if I had a nickel for every time someone said, "I like the way you smell." I'd have quite a stack of nickels. Apparently, people often smell a flowery scent coming from me.
Spirit scents can be very comforting. Once, when I was quite ill and alone, I wished I had some chicken soup. Within seconds my bedroom was filled with the aroma of the most tantalizing chicken soup that you could imagine.
I've wept with gratitude when I've been enveloped by the aroma of a passed-on Loved One.
A while ago the Spirit world gifted me with a scent I will long remember. I had to do something that was quite challenging and I wasn't really feeling up to the challenge. But since it was something I promised to do I went ahead with it. After the deed was done I got into my car and thanked the Angels I had prayed to for helping me through it. I was then enveloped in the most beautiful fragrance I have ever experienced. It stayed with me throughout the drive home and came with me into the house. When I hugged my husband he could smell it, as well. The fragrance clung to my hair and clothes for several hours. It brought a loving feeling of Peace with it that wiped away the stress and sadness I had felt earlier.
I have never been more grateful that I get to experience scents from the Spirit world than I was on that day.