Several days ago I was in the midst of a challenging situation. It evoked feelings and memories that I assumed I had fully dealt with long ago. I had, however, been mistaken.
In trying to work out what was best for all involved I found myself in a position where many paths were open to me but none of them were appealing. I was tired and knew that I was missing something but couldn't figure out what it was.
I sought out my husband and in the midst of my lament he said, "I'm starving, let's go out and get something to eat." I reluctantly agreed and before I knew it we were at a local restaurant where I was forced to interact with others who had no clue of what I was processing. Andrew then proceeded to ask me about something totally unrelated to the situation I was wrestling with. At first I was annoyed but eventually began focusing on what he wanted to talk about.
In the midst of answering his question and explaining the process involved I could clearly 'see' the solution for the challenge I was facing. My very clever husband knew that if he got me to focus on something else for a brief time the answer to my dilemma would present itself. I thanked him for his gentle manipulation and we had a lovely meal.
If you find yourself faced with a challenge and you can't see your way through it clearly please take some time to step away from it for a short while. You'll see things much more clearly when you do.