The Higher Realm attunement has been in the works since the beginning of 2012. It was a time when there was much chaos around me and I would often connect with Spirit to help guide me through this thorny part of my Path. At various times I would receive information and visions of an attunement process. At first I dismissed this as a product of an overburdened body and an overactive imagination. Then, I assumed the Spirit world was giving me something to focus on so I wouldn’t be bogged down by the drama going on around me. But day after day there were hints that this was something I came here to do.
I wish I could say that I graciously accepted my duty and got busy with bringing the Higher Realm attunement quickly to fruition. But I can’t because that would be less than honest. I dragged my heels through the process. Even when psychic friends would comment that it ‘felt’ like something new was in the works for me, I would tell them I had no time for anything new.
But Spirit kept whispering and I began to listen more carefully. And signs were everywhere. I was consistently being shown books, workshops, and even Facebook ads that dealt with Self Mastery and connecting with the Higher Realms. Ideas started to flow. I had dreams where I would be discussing an attunement process and a series of workshops with a lovely Light Being. Then I would awaken with incredible energy and I would find myself at my computer searching for information and creating an outline of how these workshops would be structured.
At one point I found myself saying out loud, “Okay, I promise to do this. But I’ll need your help. I’ll let you decide what form that help will come in.”
And then the fun began. And I started writing… and planning… and loving every second of it.
Eventually, the Higher Realm attunement may evolve into a stand-alone Healing system. But for now I’m offering it as part of the Self Mastery workshop series. The attunement will enhance any Healing modality participants presently utilize and will recalibrate their Sacred Mind, Sacred Heart and the Healing Structures in their hands. It won’t change who they are. It will simply give them the option of receiving an ‘upgrade’. Each individual will receive an attunement that is perfectly tailored to who they are and who they came here to be.