That conversation stuck in my mind and had me looking at lessons from a slightly different perspective. Most of us have an understanding that lessons and tests will continue to present themselves until we have mastered them. What if an integral part of the lesson or test is finding the gift or blessing in the situation? Is finding the blessing the final key that unlocks the wisdom contained in each test we choose for ourselves?
I did a mental inventory of some of my past lessons. I realized then that it wasn't until I looked back at the situations and found something to be grateful for in the experience that Healing and understanding were obtained. Could it really be that simple? The skeptical part of me doubted it at first but the part of me that is ruled by Spirit resonated with that small, yet profound, Truth.
So, going forward, when I am presented with a particular lesson I will endeavor to find the blessing contained in each experience. And my fervent wish for all who are here in Earth School is that they will soon find the lesson and the blessin' in each of their tests and challenges.