Some individuals are anxious to get back to how things were before Covid 19 but I have a sense that trying to get back to what was will not serve us as well as adapting to a new way of Being will.
We will all be changed by this experience and it's up to us to determine whether that change will result in becoming a better version of our selves or a less desirable version of our selves.
I'm digging deep and looking for the good that has come from this experience. My husband and I are actually enjoying the extra time we've been able to spend with each other so that definitely goes into the good category.
We've also been creative in how we stay connected to family members. I will be eternally grateful for the technology that allows me to interact with those I love without risking their, or my, health.
These are, indeed, challenging times but I know we all have the ability rise to the challenge and come through this as more grateful and compassionate beings who will prosper in the new normal.