Spirit animals are attracted to the healing frequencies, as well. I've become accustomed to Totem animals and passed-on pets showing up for someone when they're having a Reconnective Healing or Reconnection. Quite frequently the Spirit pet shows me something that lets the client know it's them.
I was performing a Reconnection on a person and I felt a dog enter the room. Then I felt pressure against my leg as though he was leaning against it. It felt so real that for a few moments I was unable to move my leg because of the weight on it. When the client and I were discussing our experiences she was able to know exactly which of her passed-on pets visited. Through her tears she laughed about how this pet that weighed over a hundred pounds used to lean heavily against her leg.
Once, I was startled when I sensed a Grizzly Bear. For several long moments this bear just watched what I was doing. It turned out that the bear was that client's Totem animal. I've since encountered many Totem Animals. I pray that I don't have a client who has a mouse or rat as a Totem. I would hate to have to start screaming during a healing session or Reconnection.
Recently while performing a Reconnection I heard what I thought, at first, was a Mourning Dove outside the window. That thought changed when I heard the bird's call loudly in my ears. When I related what happened to the client they revealed that they once had a pet dove with a very loud voice.
I sense the reason why the Spirit animals show up is to thank their people for taking such good care of them and to let them know that their energy is still around. It's usually a very emotional and healing experience for the client when it happens.
There are those who will be sceptical of what I have related here. That's okay, I was a sceptic, too. Until it started happening.