I am what can be called a 'Sensitive'. I am sensitive to certain lights, energies, sounds, smells, frequencies, chemicals and foods. It makes life very interesting and, sometimes, challenging. What can be harmless to most individuals can be detrimental to my health, both physical and emotional.
I sometimes think it's harder on the people around me than it is on me. I swear my husband gets a little more gray-haired with every adverse reaction I've had to, what to others, is a harmless substance. Trying to explain to people that their chemically scented products may make me ill has been problematic. If they don't have allergies or sensitivities they often feel I'm being unreasonable when I ask them to not wear heavily scented products when they come to my home.
There is an up-side to being sensitive, though.
My being sensitive allows me to ''sense' what a client needs when they come for a healing session or a reading. I can even hear the tones their bodies make when I am working in their energetic field. Every body has a different set of tones. When the body is out of balance, to me it sounds like an orchestra tuning up. When the body is in balance it sings... beautifully.
I can smell fragrances from the Spirit world and when I describe the scent clients know who is visiting. I have had the pleasure of smelling exotic places when my clients are journeying throughout a healing session.
I have also had the privilege of feeling the highest of vibrations and having the most incredible experiences when I do feel those vibrations.
Being sensitive does have its challenges but I wouldn't have it any other way. For me, the benefits far outweigh the risks.